By Anonymous - 25/02/2014 21:17 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, during class our teacher asked us, "Who is Uncle Sam?" A girl answered, "He's the guy who founded KFC, right?" I'm in an AP class and have to put up with these morons constantly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 076
You deserved it 4 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you know your class will never be dull... Just grab some popcorn while you're at it...

Colonel Sanders has my loyalty when I was drafted into the war of fried chicken vs baked.


Are you the same one from a while back who had the other student ask your teacher if they knew George Washington?

AnitaNuLyfe 2

Its okay, people in my AP US History class asked if California was a country and if Canada was near Russia. I just don't understand anymore.

I feel your pain. Some kid in my class thought that the Renaissance was one of the periods when dinosaurs were around. Smh

ViviMage 38

That's Uncle San, not Uncle Sam!

skipper2009 18

This is the reason normal classes should step it up a bit. Normal classes are too easy while AP classes are stuck with people like this.

colonel sanders is a very important part of history

While AP is not always filled with geniuses, it could be worse. I got bumped out of AP history halfway through the first semester because one of my advanced math classes was cancelled due to drop outs. The worst part is my teacher made us proof read each others essays (four or five essays per chapter). Besides not knowing basic things about American history, a lot of students lacked writing & basic reading comprehension skills. High Schools are pretty much just free babysitting.