By Porcelain - 03/10/2009 13:47 - United States

Today, during the opening night performance of our schools musical, while I wasn't on stage I decided to use the restroom. I came out to find two of my fellow actresses putting their hands over my mouth. Apparently, I had left my microphone on and everyone heard me using the restroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 814
You deserved it 12 779

Weezie_rm tells us more.

So I wouldn't talk and the audience wouldn't hear me. And I didn't make any awkward sounds in the restroom either. All of a sudden the audience just heard a huge "FLUSH!!!!"Which is why the sound guys didnt have time to turn off the mic. And they apologized to me afterwards, but it was embarrassing. Now it's funny.

Top comments

bontron 0

Uuuunnnhhhh oh my god fuckyesfuckyesfuckyes. *flush*

Any respectable sound tech, would have muted your channel immediately after realizing what was going on.. and even if you were off stage, your mic channel should have been muted anyway.


MyChemLover1344 2

okay, not everything is the sound guys' fault. i've had to go to the restroom during a show. remove the goddamn mic. from your ear. it's really not that difficult.

this post is fake. if she had a mic for her play, there would have been a soundboard with someone running it and they could mute her

I'm a techie and I hate it when gay actors leave their mics on.

et11495 4

Just like The Naked Gun, you should be proud.

ha. that happens often. we had a girl curse while during intermission.

i did the same thing but instead of them hearin me in the washroom the audience heard me swearin for messing up my lines

I'm sure you "pissed" off a lot of people. What a "shitty" situation!!! Aahahahaha, no? Anybody? Ok...

I don't see how this keeps happening. Why doesn't the Sound Tech mute the mic from the sound board when they hear that!

at least you're not like the one girl in my high school who would meow when she was using the restroom...