By Porcelain - 03/10/2009 13:47 - United States

Today, during the opening night performance of our schools musical, while I wasn't on stage I decided to use the restroom. I came out to find two of my fellow actresses putting their hands over my mouth. Apparently, I had left my microphone on and everyone heard me using the restroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 814
You deserved it 12 779

Weezie_rm tells us more.

So I wouldn't talk and the audience wouldn't hear me. And I didn't make any awkward sounds in the restroom either. All of a sudden the audience just heard a huge "FLUSH!!!!"Which is why the sound guys didnt have time to turn off the mic. And they apologized to me afterwards, but it was embarrassing. Now it's funny.

Top comments

bontron 0

Uuuunnnhhhh oh my god fuckyesfuckyesfuckyes. *flush*

Any respectable sound tech, would have muted your channel immediately after realizing what was going on.. and even if you were off stage, your mic channel should have been muted anyway.


Wooloff 0

Have your boyfriend beat up the sound crew. Problem solved. :)

I agree. Our director told us to never do anything to the mics until after the show was over because people were always muting them or turning them off and then forgetting to turn them back on.

mythicdawn12 0

Generally, in high school shows, OPS and actors don't get paid, and the school would provide the budget. Therefore, there should most DEFINITELY be not only an SM, but also an ASM, a sound op, AND a light op. So there's not FOH being overworked in this case. Yes, sometimes there are low budget shows- but if the show is smart AT ALL, they will have an SM or production manager of some kind, even if they get the director to double up as an SM/PM which does happen ocassionally. However, in that case, they would still need cues, standbys, and tech week. So there really is no excuse. I never said it was the sound guy's fault- to the contrary, I blame the SM. I simply said if a board op is smart (this goes for lights, fly rail, anything) they will not take a cue unless the SM calls it.

oh, and p.s.: to be fair, though, The Lion King has an endless budget, which means they have state of the art equipment which is top-of-the-line computerized stuff. The most they ever have to do to run the show is press a button and the computer will automatically mute the mics for them- it's all programmed. It's that high-tech. This is Disney Broadway we are talking about. It doesn't get much bigger than that. Ever. Are they ****** if the computers screw up? Yeah, but they are high-paid to be able to easily divert that disaster into a problem solved. and p.s.s. i guarantee you the SM calls every single one of those cues.

I hope you werent constipated, or it would have been like "lalala! (UNNGGGH!!! ARRGHH! THIS SHIT HURTS SO BAAAD!!)". if it was diarraeha, it was prolly more like "lalala! (sploosh)

oh haha! my drama teacher told the class the other day that the same thing happened to him.

Actually, more than anything your sound guy fails.