How could you?

By Foreverfuglyaf - 18/07/2024 16:00 - United States

Today, I walked in on my husband and a woman on our bed together. She had a perfect, fat-free body, and was riding him effortlessly. He knows I’m unable to ride due to a back injury. This comes a couple of days after convincing me that I was “beautiful the way I was” when I had a body dysmorphia breakdown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 582
You deserved it 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

incognitho 2

for starters are you okay? but i just wanted to say he might have been telling the truth and you are perfect the way you are to him. who he is sleeping with isn’t the problem. it’s the fact that his isn’t satisfied. lust is never satisfied. but I pray that your back issues be healed in Jesus name so you can have what it takes to walk away and find you someone who’s actions line up to their words. a man who makes you feel safe. maybe being somewhere you had to settle for less did a number on your self esteem and this is an open door you needed to just let it go !💜

tiptoppc 19

What’s my mechanic got to do with healing their back. He’s good with a wrench, but I don’t think he’s ever considered going into the chiropractor profession. At least last I checked…


incognitho 2

for starters are you okay? but i just wanted to say he might have been telling the truth and you are perfect the way you are to him. who he is sleeping with isn’t the problem. it’s the fact that his isn’t satisfied. lust is never satisfied. but I pray that your back issues be healed in Jesus name so you can have what it takes to walk away and find you someone who’s actions line up to their words. a man who makes you feel safe. maybe being somewhere you had to settle for less did a number on your self esteem and this is an open door you needed to just let it go !💜

tiptoppc 19

What’s my mechanic got to do with healing their back. He’s good with a wrench, but I don’t think he’s ever considered going into the chiropractor profession. At least last I checked…

You're thinking he's cheating because of physical attraction but that's because you're focused on your body. people don't cheat just to **** someone hot, there's something wrong with him.