By AndelleRae - 22/02/2012 12:02 - United States
AndelleRae tells us more.
This is mine. They are two and three years old, and while I tried to give them little buckets, they didn't always make it in. It's my job to watch them because I am their full time live in nanny. My sister works third shift and her husband recently passed away, so it's down to me to take care of them. Everyone is over it now, but it was a pretty nasty couple of days, for sure.
Top comments
This is the shitty part of caring for young children. One time, my daughter walked into my bedroom at around 2am and projectile vomited all over me and my bed, it dripped onto the floor. I sat there for like 10 min in shock and disgust, and wondering where do I start cleaning first without making more of it run onto the carpet.
Stories like this are more effective at preventing pregnancy than any sex talk. My mom once told me, only half joking, "You're not really a mother until you've caught projectile vomit in your bare hands." She's also had the puking-on-the-bed thing happen multiple times. Dear God, the horror...
Well, you totally deserve it for having kids, but also, you really think a two year old is going to understand that they need to vomit in the bathroom and not where ever they are? Good luck with that...
Ahaha so true..
This is mine. They are two and three years old, and while I tried to give them little buckets, they didn't always make it in. It's my job to watch them because I am their full time live in nanny. My sister works third shift and her husband recently passed away, so it's down to me to take care of them. Everyone is over it now, but it was a pretty nasty couple of days, for sure.
I'm sorry you had to clean up after two sick kids, but I'm glad everyone is better now! It is hard to care for vomiting toddlers. I have a three year old who is actually sick today so I can relate!
Put horse feeders on the boys to catch the barf
There's no such thing as a "stomach flu", you have a stomach virus..
The flu is a virus, and the "stomach flu," often entails having flu like symptoms, like a fever, along with puking and diarrhea. >_>
biancapaholak - Don't split stupid hairs like this. It's only called a stomach flu. Even we medical professionals call it a stomach flu even though we know full well that it's a GI virus. There's no need to be obnoxiously specific.
OP is female.
They are two.. how are they suppost to understeand (and actually go) to the bathroom, climb over a toilet taller then they are, and puke in there? I'm sorry you have to clean it up and that everyone is sick, I have a hard time cleaning up puke myself. But at least be intelligent before posting a complaint like that..
A toilet isn't taller than a damn toddler. Our toilet is at my 2 year old brothers stomach level.

Sounds like your two toddler nephews need to shipped back to their own homes!
That's delightful.. Hopefully you don't catch it. If they don't understand they need to go to the bathroom then you need to get them each a bucket!