By Kat - 08/11/2008 07:51 - France

Today, everyone thought that I was the one who farted in the lift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 426
You deserved it 5 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xMooMoox 0

Lol assuming your never going to see these people again you should have yelled out "Okay guys you got me, it was really a queef!!!"

That's not entirely true. The person who actually did doesn't think so.


Symphony_fml 0

haha at first i was like...whats a lift, then i was thinking it was some sorta construction work thing.. then i was like wait its probably some foreign dude... so i came to the conclusion it was a elevator.. win for me! :D

well that's because most ppl can hear or smell ur farts and sometimes they can do both

Lol, I've been there. I hate it when people won't claim their farts and everyone thinks it's you :

This isn't really an FML, but still funny.