By Anonymous - 13/09/2012 03:58 - United States - Cedar Rapids

Today, feeling angry at the world, I threw a bottle, that had been clearly marked to be recycled, into a garbage can as an act of defiance. Minutes later, I guiltily retreated and spent the next few minutes with my entire arm stuck up the stinking ass of a city garbage can. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 122
You deserved it 36 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like the environment and would normally applaud what you did (I do applaud what you did, good job), but I'd never do that.


I would have just left it if I were you, you could have made up for it later by finding stuff around your house to recycle.

DoxIxHAVExTo 10

I... you... do... do you need someone to talk to? Message me.

amusedslovenia 5

Kudos tu you for going back and sorting it out (lol).

dani115 6

I'm sorry op but I speak my mind and you have no life.....

This is the crap that gets approved? How is that an FML ?

What the **** is wrong with your brain?

KiddNYC1O 20

Just pee on the ground next time...