By Anonymous - 13/09/2012 03:58 - United States - Cedar Rapids

Today, feeling angry at the world, I threw a bottle, that had been clearly marked to be recycled, into a garbage can as an act of defiance. Minutes later, I guiltily retreated and spent the next few minutes with my entire arm stuck up the stinking ass of a city garbage can. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 122
You deserved it 36 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like the environment and would normally applaud what you did (I do applaud what you did, good job), but I'd never do that.


medichick 5

Man you really got back at mother nature didn't you??

PYLrulz 17

Watch out, we HAD a badass over here

Holy shit, do you still watch sesame street?

"**** you, Earth! Take that mother nature!"' why would being mad the world make you retaliate against the Earth? Was the weather not your liking or something?

SApprentice 34

You did the right thing, don't complain about having a conscience.

Dillyduzit 23
sailorzoe 14