By anonymous - 03/06/2013 04:41 - United States - Banner Elk

Today, feeling the need to spice things up in our sex life, I dressed up in my husband's navy uniform jacket, hat, and a pair of heels. When he came into the room, he took one look at me and started laughing uncontrollably. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 960
You deserved it 18 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if you hand kinky sex afterwards then mission accomplished!


Don't give up, try sometime maybe more feminine if he's not into the army stuff.

RedPillSucks 31

Omg that must have been a shock to him! First reaction was laughing ! Be lucky he didn't yell for trying his clothes on. Lol the story gave me a big smile .

LazyDaisy42 4

I agree! She's very lucky he wasn't angry. I tried putting on my boyfriend's Marine Corps jacket and some heels to be sexy, and he got so mad about me touching his uniform.

gloooooria 14

If you're in an adult and mature relationship, there should be no yelling for trying to do something nice for your partner. That's just plain ol' rudeness.

I don't blame him, yall don't rate to wear the uniform so many have given their lives for.

gloooooria 14

No one gives their life for a uniform.

sorry but the "heels" kinda make it funny

perdix 29

You ain't no Debra Winger, I suppose. Maybe you should get some hints from the derivative porno called "An Orifice and a Gentleman."

When he finished laughing did he assemble the seamen on the poop deck? That was a dick move. No wonder the divorce rate is so high in the Navy.

I think you would've of looked sexy as ****, nothing beats a girl in heels ;).. Your husband not a smart man?

avapaige1234 19

If I were you I would hit his head with a rifle... hard.