By hurt - 14/03/2010 00:27 - United States

Today, finally accepting the fact that the love of my life has moved on, I took myself to a movie, alone, on a Saturday night. After buying the last ticket to a sold out movie and trying to find the only open seat in the dark, I sit down... right next to my ex-best friend AND my ex-fiancé. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 577
You deserved it 2 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I agree with snickerdoodles, didn't read her comment, but I agree!!

Angejolie 0

Wow. That's why I don't have any friends. (^_^)

nah, im pretty sure she just has no life and needs recognition from people she doesn't know

How exactly is this fake? People can run In to eachother... It's called luck or in this cause.... ummm.... unluck?

Point made. Except the usual war after her comments is the best part.

yeah snicker is seriously are the biggest piece of shit.

kinz22 0

Oh "snicker" #25, at the end of your comment, that should be a period. not a comma. haha. :) get over yourself! no one likes a grammar police.

mits_lancer 0