By longsock123 - 30/04/2013 15:09 - United States - Milpitas

Today, for a laugh, I put vanilla yogurt into a mayonnaise jar and went to the mall to eat it with a spoon. Too bad that someone called mall security on me for disturbing the peace. They shoved me into a back room and grilled me about what was in the jar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 783
You deserved it 19 762

longsock123 tells us more.

I mean, you're commenting on FML, I'm eating mayonnaise in a mall... the amount of "life" between the two of us is not very high.

Top comments

alliewillie 22

Good grief, can't even eat "mayonnaise" in public without someone being all up in your shit.

Mayonnaise first, then grilling? You're turning into a hamburger!


higgy6969 7

What? You can't be detained for eating; mayo, yogurt or whatever. I don't buy it

I mean, you're commenting on FML, I'm eating mayonnaise in a mall... the amount of "life" between the two of us is not very high.

137-op (you) responding to my comment, I'd say my life is pretty awesome!

Lordalucad 9

#162 - This is the saddest thing I've read all day.

So OP what made you decide this was a good idea? What where you trying to do? And why the hell were the mall cops grilling you about eating "mayonnaise" what did they think you were doing?

People now a days how in the **** is eating "mayonnaise" disturbing the peace I mean really thats bs we should be able to eat freely were ever we want and word of advice make sure to film the poilce encounter like this for ur own saftey and dont listen to liar pogs (cops) saying u cant film em u have the first admendment and express ur rights to, to save your self from bogus charges

How the hell is eating "disturbing the peace"?

It may not be "disturbing the peace", but some people might find it disturbing. :p

What the hell? How exactly is this disturbing the peace? I saw someone once stroll over to the corner of my local opera house, yank down his pants and take a shit right there! Even had his own toilet paper in his pocket. All this was viewed as I ate my dinner in the restaurant across the road. Now THAT'S! disturbing the peace.

HeyImAmy 20

As we all know, "disturbing the peace" is when you are rowdy (yelling, screaming, etc...). Your mayonnaise jar with yogurt thing would be "possession of an unknown substance". You didn't do anything wrong. I have seen people eat their own food in a mall and nobody has bothered them.

At least it wasn't actually mayonnaise. I didn't know it was legal to pull someone aside and interrogate them for eating mayonnaise...

thats why u film them, make sure to tell them, theyll think twice before beating the shit out of you on false charges or when there interagating you they may try to force search u just say I dont consent to a search then they cant but they dont give a horsesass and will beat u down a search u wether u want em to or not

I'm going to say this because that is just retarded, press charges for them wrongly accusing you of something. Eating food in public venues is in no way, shape, or form illegal in any country as far as I know. With that said they had no right to interrupt you and if I were you I'd get them fired. They obviously do not know how to do their jobs.

Get that retard mall cop fired, that's not disturbing the peace and he has no legal right to detain you for nothing. The most he can do is caution you and once he's realized you've done nothing you can go.

You must either be a lawyer, or someone who studies their rights...

bigwill240 4

Did you get to eat the rest of the pudding Afterwards