By longsock123 - 30/04/2013 15:09 - United States - Milpitas

Today, for a laugh, I put vanilla yogurt into a mayonnaise jar and went to the mall to eat it with a spoon. Too bad that someone called mall security on me for disturbing the peace. They shoved me into a back room and grilled me about what was in the jar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 783
You deserved it 19 762

longsock123 tells us more.

I mean, you're commenting on FML, I'm eating mayonnaise in a mall... the amount of "life" between the two of us is not very high.

Top comments

alliewillie 22

Good grief, can't even eat "mayonnaise" in public without someone being all up in your shit.

Mayonnaise first, then grilling? You're turning into a hamburger!


you just can't eat anything. but it would have okay if it was from the food court

You should of atleast had someone record you on camera. That would of been funny to see.

*have, and *have. What are they teaching kids in school these days!?

TDWPForDayz 9

How could you be "disturbing the peace" what.

Elfkid21 19

i want to know the same thing!!

RedPillSucks 31

I don't think mall cops have the authority to detain you unless you've actually stolen something or otherwise committed a crime.

Even without security intervening I can't imagine this plan getting the "laugh" you were after. Was anyone amused?

Disturbing the peace? Were you grunting MMMM MAYONNAISE??

Disturbing the peace? Did you actually step in front of people and take big old bites in their face? If you were just sitting in the middle of the food court eating "mayo" I don't see how anyone could complain about a disturbance.

icadragoon 11

Next time put Frost Gatorade in a windex bottle and spray it in your mouth. :P

Whoever reported you probably just hated mayo.

I hate mayo but I wouldn't report anyone for eating it out of a jar, as much as it would disgust me. I would just walk away. They can do what they want.

Um don't comment on this site anymore, please

#44, I have never heard of eating yogurt out of a mayonnaise jar as illegal, or harassment.