By Timetoloseweight - 11/11/2009 16:03 - France

Today, for my birthday, my friends and family gave me: A Wii Fit, a free year at the gym and a book of diet recipes. They didn't consult with each other. I've asked for "something corresponding to me". FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 913
You deserved it 15 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

very expensive presents for someone so ungrateful

Phoenix_GAD 0

oh shut up. you got a wii fit. stop complaining, you are really ungrateful.


Obvi they are trying to say something... They are concerned

Maybe if you got off World of Warcraft once in a while, they wouldn't have to go to that extent. It's a shame I can only hit the YDI button once.

an3ph 20

Hmm. Don't expect anything from anyone ever again. --Everyone

I'm not fat and I would be appreciative of those gifts

oh my god. stop whining. great gifts and you asked for it. shut up!

peterblack67 9

They gave you what you asked for.