By DrugsRX - 17/10/2012 22:58 - United States - Winder

Today, for the second day in a row, I was constantly abused, yelled at, insulted, and berated by my wife for "endangering our child's life." I took her to the doctor for a vaccination and flu shot yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 177
You deserved it 3 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bitches be crazy. Seriously. It drives me nuts when parents consider all vaccines to be harmful. There's a reason they need vaccinations to go to school.

If i was married and my wife didn't want her to have vaccinations or flu shot I'd probably ignore her as well. I'd rather my child be safe.


Sorry, no, vaccinations are a public health issue and you don't get to decide not to do it if you want to live in a society that consists of more than just you and your family. There have been cases of kids not getting vaccinated against diseases like measles and then contracting those diseases and passing them on to children who were too young to have gotten vaccinated yet, and KILLING THEM. When your decision can literally impact the lives of other people then you don't really get much of a say in them. ... That was really more towards some commenters who think your wife should have had equal say or w/e. OP made the right decision.

valogan17 0

Flu shots have chemicals like formaldehyde and mercury in them. You should really research it. It's not good at all. Your child would be better off catching the flu. That's why we have immune systems.

EvilDave 13

You are an idiot and shouldn't be allowed to have kids. Vaccinations are a result of years of medical research. The quacks are you reading are simply spreading lies. If you have kids they should be removed from your home as you are a danger to them.

athena3100 9

Thank you! Finnaly someone who isn't stuck on "Omg vaccines saved me from dieing!" I stopped getting shots in the 2nd grade because they almost killed me everytime! Since I stopped getting them I havnt been sick once!

EvilDave 13

And, when you get mumps or some other disease, you won't be. Hopefully, it will be mumps and it will descend and you will end up sterilized before you can breed.

athena3100 9

I stopped getting vaccines in the 2nd grade because every single one would make me terribly ill and I would have to hospitalized because if them. After learning all if the shit that is in vaccines, there us no way in hell any one is putting a ******* needle and injecting any shit into me or my future children!

Your a dumbass! You should've know you wife was like that! Do you even talk to her?

titan87 0

You fool know your kids brain capacity will be limited, increased risk of cancer, probably got some other disease injected into him and you don't even no!

Have you read what's in those vaccinations? It's basically poison.

predavlad 3

Yes, that's true. It's a watered down version of the virus, high enough so your body builds immunity to it, but low enough so that you don't actually catch the disease. That's how vaccines work, and that's why they are so effective.

Ughhh I hate when people think vaccines are dangerous. There's no scientific evidence that they are harmful but there IS evidence that kids NOT being vaccinated can be dangerous. Plus it allows for new strains of old diseases to pop up which can be dangerous to everyone. Buy your wife a book and feel good for doing the right thing and PROTECTING your child's life.

Well ive read what they actually put in those vaccines and i don't blame her for not wanting the kid vaccinated

HAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA, you are so dumb. Have fun dying! Vaccines are necessary or would you like to live in the 1800's again when you would die from an easily treated infection.