By DrugsRX - 17/10/2012 22:58 - United States - Winder

Today, for the second day in a row, I was constantly abused, yelled at, insulted, and berated by my wife for "endangering our child's life." I took her to the doctor for a vaccination and flu shot yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 177
You deserved it 3 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bitches be crazy. Seriously. It drives me nuts when parents consider all vaccines to be harmful. There's a reason they need vaccinations to go to school.

If i was married and my wife didn't want her to have vaccinations or flu shot I'd probably ignore her as well. I'd rather my child be safe.


Shindig1 0

**** those government shots don't get them. Do you really believe that crap?

I hope you're joking. It would suck if you really are this stupid.

Ignorance at its finest...immunizations save more lives than people realize (with minimal side effects - autism is a mythological side effect!). It's like wearing a condom...people can become complacent about them and take them for granted until they stop using them and find out how many more pregnancies occur.

YDI, because you married her. Don't stick your dick in crazy.

There is a way to avoid that. Get a CBC before the shot to be sure you aren't already fighting infection. The virus is not viable in the vaccines. However, your body will fight it like any other foreign cell. Since it fights this, it stops fighting the cold that you get every year... Then the cold takes over and you get sick. One in over a million who get the flu shot will actually test positive for the influenza virus.

Divorce her, she's an idiot who will ultimately harm your child due to her poor judgement.

missmon92 6

your wife sounds like my fiancée? our baby is due in January and he refuses to allow him to have any vaccinations. or else he will probably react similarly to the way your wife did...

And you're marrying that idiot and helping him procreate? FYL and F your baby's life.

I agree with vaccines for a lot of things, like hepatitis and other diseases that occur because of accidents, but I do not agree with vaccines for the Flu. I don't because in order to become strong, your body has to fight off a certain amount of diseases, and become naturally innoculated against a certain number of germs, so its immune system can become strong. I never have had a flu shot, and after age 12 or so, I have only been sick 2-3 times in over 8 years, and I always recover very quickly. So she's a nutcase, but you're being a bit overprotective. Compromise would probably be the best solution, here.

That is a very stupid analysis. Do you not know how vaccines work? When you get a flu shot, your body develops immunity to that flu strain, no differently than if you had caught the flu - the only difference being that you don't miss school or work for days and feel like shit. There are plenty of other colds and diseases to catch besides the flu.

I don't really see the point in a flu shot, I don't know anyone that's had it and we're all still alive :D

@178. Really? Natural Innoculation the 1918 Spanish Flu killed more people in 1 year than 4 years of fighting did, Almost all.had neber had a flu shot. Also the Influenza virus changes each year so no amount of toughing it out will help, the fact you haven't been hit with Flu is remarkable, but to not protect your children against Flu, a proven killer, is stupid.

noisebox 1

I hate to say it but she's right they're put stuff in the vaccinations that deliberately cause Autism, brain-dysfunction. Sounds coo coo? But it's true just read up on it and see for yourself....

Your wife is a ******* idiot and sounds like a raving lunatic to boot. You have my sympathies.