By likearacehorse - 12/02/2013 22:58 - United States - Franklin Lakes

Today, for the second time in two months, the person in the bathroom stall next to me commented on how loud I pee. This time, she made racehorse noises. I'm now too self-conscious to pee in public again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 614
You deserved it 3 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be proud of your stream, young Seabiscuit. it's really nothing to be embarrassed about

You should have neighed. Awe well I hope you feel less self conscious :)


PeriodCrampsSuck 6

This is why I don't pee in public..

jerro95 1

That's why I don't poo in public bathrooms unless its an emergency

Lay some tissue paper on the water before you pee, it will absorb some of the sound.

israa_alhasani94 12

Don't worry about her, OP. She clearly has issues if she pays that much attention to the sound of you peeing. If you're really that self-conscious, rip off a strip of toilet paper, fold it up, and drop it in before you go. It'll help absorb some of the sound. But really, it's fine. Don't even think about it.

Pee off to the side, next to the water. I call it "ninja pissing"

I can't even poop in a public bathroom, if I was a guy I think I wouldn't pee in public because they only have stalls and my shy bladder wouldn't give!

Ascendanthive 9

What exactly is a racehorse noise?

404wan 19

i used to have a problem with peeing in public restrooms. then i went to the restroom with a college Classmate and she peed like a racehorse. it was amazing and now im not self conscious about it anymore. pee loud and free other Awkward young women!