By Recovering Alcoholic - 17/12/2014 22:41 - United Kingdom - Kettering

Today, half of my motivation to stop drinking is so that my tolerance will go down, because I currently can't actually afford enough alcohol to get even tipsy anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 487
You deserved it 12 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep it up and your motivation will go towards staying sober. You'll see the benefits soon enough! Good luck!

Maybe it's a sign you should stop drinking for a long while OP.


Cut down on the liquor, ramp up on the dope. Buds, hash, honey oil you can't go wrong

I am actually going through the same exact dilemma now. i need a drink....

Isa_fml 20

Why don't you just buy a cheap bottle of Graves? I'm sure no matter how high your tolerance is, a tiny bit of grain will still do you in.

yeah I dont feel bad for you at all.

When you stop drinking, you'll suddenly find you have a lot more money to spend on other stuff in life.

Just wing yourself off of it for a month. Hang out with your mates, or your girl/boyfriend. Find something fun and cheap that doesn't involve harming your body and save up some money and then spend a tad bit on a night out with the lads. Good luck!

I'm in the same boat I've gotta drink a beer ever minute and a half for 30 beers to catch a buzz!