By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I accidentally moaned my own name during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 178
You deserved it 31 113


Do you ********** to a video of yourself masturbating? Lmfao sounds right

Somebody's into them self a little too much

If OP is a chick she masturbates ALOT if its a guy hes a cocky prick :p

Ive said the wrong guys name in bed thats such a mood killer unless Its like Brad and hes Mike u just say oh yes ur my brad pitt ;)

Wonder if your boyfriend thought u thought u were having sex with yourself.

Today I had sex with this guy, cause he'a hot and I like getting laid, but only to find that he had sex 4 hours before with another girl. I'm such a *****. FML

I usually only do that when I play with myself.

Ummm awkward enough?? I bet he was thinking wtf?