By fmyhabit - 15/04/2011 05:34 - United States

Today, I accidentally pocket dialed my sister while I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 869
You deserved it 57 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

don't lie you just wanted to hear her voice

YDI for having the phone that close to you... unless you were using it? Had it on vibrate?


LMFAO!!! Your life sucks!!! That's your queue to move out ;) ;) #justsaying! Awkward much

Move out of where? He DIALED his sister on his PHONE in his POCKET in maybe his own HOUSE. People with cell phones don't all live with their parents...

saturnsonic 3

Wha ha ha ha now thats funny!! did she stay on the line until you were done? lol

CrackerJack127 3

dumbass bahahahaha. no.... really, smoooooth. :P

iPhilosophy 0

I'm not going to lie, that's pretty creepy that she stayed on the line...

brunettegurly 0

at least it wasnt someone like your dad or a person from church...

rawrzorz17 0