By Lori - 04/11/2015 18:46 - United States - Littleton

Today, I agreed to go on a date with this really nice guy. Halfway through the date, he started talking about his wife and kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 772
You deserved it 1 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you misunderstood him when he said date, but meant instead to have a casual meeting amongst friends. If he truly is a nice guy then I'm sure he means no harm.

Blodwast 16

Probably not a date on his part as he wouldn't have told you otherwise.


Le_ponderer 14

How sad, the lad is still hung up on his wife & kids... What was his intent for asking you out? Does he need a female, platonic friend that he can share some emotional worries with? Then that should be with the consent of his wife (if she wishes not to be the said listener!) and he should have made

Le_ponderer 14

that clear from the get go. That way, you would have made a more informed decision. It's not a reflection on your judgement OP, it's just a fact of life that some people are inconsiderate and deliberately obscure.

You know, whenever my girlfriend and I fight, I drive 3 hours away to my (ex)girlfriend and rant to her. And I tell her how much I miss her. ... Until I eventually have to leave the cemetery.

Badkarma4u 17
fmlstarterkit 13

you were on the friends website rather than the dating site i think.

looks like he's an honest guy. He probably told his wife about the date when he got home.

Not necessarily... He may have just thought OP wouldn't care that he's married and trying to cheat. Doesn't mean he'll tell his wife.

Fortunately it was the first...farther down might have caused more of an issue