By Lori - 04/11/2015 18:46 - United States - Littleton

Today, I agreed to go on a date with this really nice guy. Halfway through the date, he started talking about his wife and kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 772
You deserved it 1 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you misunderstood him when he said date, but meant instead to have a casual meeting amongst friends. If he truly is a nice guy then I'm sure he means no harm.

Blodwast 16

Probably not a date on his part as he wouldn't have told you otherwise.


Sounds like a sure-fire way to bail from a date.

tiger820 20

you are the side chick! but if you get that call in the middle of the night just say you're Jake from State Farm.

Could of been a misunderstanding. A lot of divorcee still slip the ex reference when referring to the ex wife or husband. Don't screw around, just ask him straight out if he is currently married, married in process of divorced or single. Take the middle one carefully, always ask for proof!

lilchica22001 22

This is why women have trust issues. And why dating sucks ass!

And that's your cue to exit the building. What a piece of s****.

estrada813 11

It was "really nice" of him to be honest with you about his existing relationship.