By chieftain - 09/05/2012 19:34 - Norway - T?nsberg

Today, I am defending a client on trial for perjury. She is a sweet girl and the first person I've loved in years, but she keeps doing everything she can to make herself look guilty in front of the jury. Now I'm having a daily crisis of conscience in the middle of the courtroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 255
You deserved it 5 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glitterhinoceros 14

You're defending her, do all the talking and tape her mouth shut or something. That doesn't look suspicious at all.

Well, at least your being professional- oh no wait...


You are supposed to be a professional - so FFS act like one and provide her with a professional service! Once this is all over then you can think about what other services you would like to offer her but right now you have to do your job.

If she told you she loves you, she probably lied. Hell, she lied under oath. I would dump her as a client and let her face the music.

Inediblepeaches 15

I have no idea what any of this means...

Forget about all that conscience mumbo jumbo and let the bitch fry.

Conflict of interest. Don't you know what your job entails?

aira_1202 0

You should stop defending her

Talk about conflict of interest. Tough one

berclaw 7

wow how is she not arrested and how are you not fired i mean your obviously not doing your job right so you dont get to complain

berclaw 7

why do you feel the need to complain when your the one who is supposed to defend her

Read the FML. It shows the conflict in him about his love for the client and his job. And this is, the place to complain. Not the place for you to spread your shit about people complaining. Lastly, it's "YOU'RE".