By chieftain - 09/05/2012 19:34 - Norway - T?nsberg

Today, I am defending a client on trial for perjury. She is a sweet girl and the first person I've loved in years, but she keeps doing everything she can to make herself look guilty in front of the jury. Now I'm having a daily crisis of conscience in the middle of the courtroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 255
You deserved it 5 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glitterhinoceros 14

You're defending her, do all the talking and tape her mouth shut or something. That doesn't look suspicious at all.

Well, at least your being professional- oh no wait...


Vash_41288 10
AgentSmith79 9

Shouldn't your conscience be telling you not to have a personal stake in the case? Whatever happened to keeping your relationship with your clients strictly business?

You deserve it for having such a conflict o interest. Recuse yourself and move on.

Be like Jim carry in that movie where he was a lawyer, and he couldn't lie. Find something of utter truth, find a hole in it, push through that hole, twist it through to a technicality, either push that truth until either she isn't technically legible for charges, or it "proves" she's not guilty. Sometimes, a lawyer must lie, that's part of their job. Although, a good lawyer isn't someone who lies completely, or someone who speaks only truth, it's someone who lies to find that hole, but lies with a baseline of truth.

Your budding relationship is off to a good start. You know she likes to lie, and she knows she will need a lawyer on retainer.

katiedoll6 7

Definately a "conflict of interest"...usually the law requires you to dismiss yourself as her attorney. Not sure how the law works in Norway, but chances are....if she's on trial for perjury then she's also lying to you...dump her as a girlfriend & client

charmanderCHAR 5

Wait, so. You have a client, that you're trying to defend, who is trying to make herself look GUILTY? I'm not getting this.

Wow. This sounds just like the plot to my new book, "The World's Worst Lawyer".