By chieftain - 09/05/2012 19:34 - Norway - T?nsberg

Today, I am defending a client on trial for perjury. She is a sweet girl and the first person I've loved in years, but she keeps doing everything she can to make herself look guilty in front of the jury. Now I'm having a daily crisis of conscience in the middle of the courtroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 255
You deserved it 5 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glitterhinoceros 14

You're defending her, do all the talking and tape her mouth shut or something. That doesn't look suspicious at all.

Well, at least your being professional- oh no wait...


Devin91 20

Don't let personal problems interfere with business matters.

DollyDope 17

First person you've loved in years? She should get a new attorney. F her life for having poor counsel

treat he as a hostel witness so you can ask leading questions.

Ask the judge to have her be treated as a hostel witness so you can ask leading questions. haha

You should lose your license to practice law cause your an unstable SOB

jayisacooter 1

I thought you weren't able to rep. any family members

I'm sorry but I have no idea what the crime "prejury" is. Neither does the Internet. I think you can get her off for a mistrial.

At least. I couldn't find it. Maybe some of you well educated comments can fill me in.

Oh.... I'm retarded and was spelling it wrong.

Dusty_Busters 15

Be a professional and do your job.

Falling in love with a client, sounds like a life sentence to me.