By chieftain - 09/05/2012 19:34 - Norway - T?nsberg

Today, I am defending a client on trial for perjury. She is a sweet girl and the first person I've loved in years, but she keeps doing everything she can to make herself look guilty in front of the jury. Now I'm having a daily crisis of conscience in the middle of the courtroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 255
You deserved it 5 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glitterhinoceros 14

You're defending her, do all the talking and tape her mouth shut or something. That doesn't look suspicious at all.

Well, at least your being professional- oh no wait...


Well you know what they say. "the guilty dog barks". Recommend another lawyer to her because if you continue to represent her when she for to jail you won't have a shot in hell with her. She is going to be pissed.

juicypu55y 0

So you're sitting here on FML hoping it will resolve the issue? Good luck bro

KiddNYC1O 20

Your name... Did you mistake FML with a dating site, or are you just trolling?

KiddNYC1O 20

Yeah, I know you're talking to juicy pussy.

Actually he's a 49 year old man who spends half his time yanking it to the intimacy FMLs and his other half commenting hoping to find love from another lonely soul. The name is to show us just how horny he is.

ss_20_xx 14

Hey you never know what might just give you the solution to a serious problem. No harm trying out all the possible ways.

You know what's strange? 'Kidd' is my last name. *le gasp*

delissaj 0

So your just sitting on here judging people because your life is boring?

I guess her hips must not lie, though.

florido_fml 10

Don't date a criminal, it's not going to end well

ydi I believe this is why you don't get involved with clients...

You love a perjurer? Sounds like a recipe for success to me! Are you nuts? Do your job & be done with her. YDI for being an idiot!!

Being a perjurer doesn't necessarily make her a bad person. Given the right circumstances, I think just about anyone could be perjurer. We all have somebody we'd lie for. However, I agree that OP should be very careful with this situation. It has the potential to ruin his career.

Yeah, but would you want to be with someone who you already know is a liar? I wouldn't.

Yes I think being with someone who will risk harm to themselves to protect someone they care about would be a pretty good idea...

Yeah, someone that will risk harm, not prison time. Maybe someone that will pull you out of the way of a car, or something like that.

Oh so protecting people you care about is only a good thing if it meets your criteria of what is or isn't acceptable. Fair enough, I apply that same logic to who is or isn't a cockjockey. Oh hey its your lucky day, you made the cut, cockjockey.

I think she has it the wrong way..guilty until proven inoccent?

I would just let her do her thing but you're her lawyer. Tough break.

Well,you are in deep here my friend.conflict of interest much? For your own sanity and any hope she has of getting anything,drop this case,cause you are ****** whatever the outcome.

She probably just seems guilty to you because you love her and wouldn't want to see anything bad happen. Come on be optimistic! (:

That made no sense. He loves her and doesn't want anything to happen to her so he thinks she's guilty? Then something bad will happen

It's like when a girl says her boyfriend looks like an idiot and to stop embarrassing her, but he doesn't look silly to anyone else... That's what I meant (: Well it made sense in my head anyway!

daydreamer244 13

Sorry guys I tried! It made sense in my head