By playdated - 06/06/2014 06:24 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I am so shy and friendless that my mother is literally setting up a play-date with one of her friend's daughters. I'm 25 years-old and this is my best chance at making a friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 737
You deserved it 8 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some of the best relationships start as friendships in the sandbox throwing sand in each other's faces and screaming "No, YOU are a poopyhead!" Don't forget to put on a clean diaper first, and bring an extra juice box for her. Chicks dig that. Good luck.

cryssycakesx3 22

people are always friends with someone that has cool toys...


Message me let's talk. Maybe we will become friends

I have social anxiety so I can relate. Although I don't if I would be able to go out on a 'play date' because even that would give me anxiety. I had to meet my sister's new boyfriend and that was hard because she wants us to get along. I had to give myself pep talks to finally do it. I get shaky and everything when I think about socializing with new people. Currently I have no friends except some acquaintances.

I guess facebook would be a place to start....bless.

cabrossette 3

The only reason I met my husband is because we were set up by my little brother's wife. Nothing wrong with recieving an introduction.

I've been there, OP. I've had horrible social anxiety my whole life. My mom tried to set up a "play date" of sorts for me with one of her friends daughters, and she never texted or called me. Woot.

I have no friends also we should become friends on kik buzz2389

Fr0gs 15

Yeah ive godda hit ydi on this one buddy

Don't skip this chance good luck bro

One day you'll find that special person. Keep your head up. :)

Try OK Cupid, its great for making friends. That way you could look through a bunch of people until you end up with people you´d get along with well. Its great!