By playdated - 06/06/2014 06:24 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I am so shy and friendless that my mother is literally setting up a play-date with one of her friend's daughters. I'm 25 years-old and this is my best chance at making a friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 737
You deserved it 8 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some of the best relationships start as friendships in the sandbox throwing sand in each other's faces and screaming "No, YOU are a poopyhead!" Don't forget to put on a clean diaper first, and bring an extra juice box for her. Chicks dig that. Good luck.

cryssycakesx3 22

people are always friends with someone that has cool toys...


I hope the play-date goes well for you!

I know that feel, I'm autistic and so a lot of social interaction is foreign to me, not to mention I got a lot of shit for my weird behavior growing up. :( Stay strong, you're not alone in this!

Yeah... I am the same exact way haha

most people wont catch your name. i did. respect.

You can use a horoscope just be like when's you b-day and if it's correct then be like that's cool mines on the (month, day) so yeah that's how I make friends but everybody has a certain way of making friends.

msnique1 5

I really understand the shyness but at some point you HAVE to break out of that shell in some way. Unless you want to be the 40 yr old virgin, you'd want to get out there and make associates.

stop beung so socially awkward and come out of your shell