By Anonymous - 13/09/2011 06:05 - United States

Today, I apologized to the cat for walking into the laundry room while he was using the litter box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 011
You deserved it 10 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pichan_fml 11

And so you should have, it's common courtesy hahah, I do that to my cats too.


It's a cat? Are you kidding me? Maybe you should join a club or something and get out more, careful you do not become a crazy cat person :P

You sound adorable haha, well I would have said it's not bad because no one knows you said it, then you posted it on FML. so YDI

thejedi08 10
elvmem2 6

I have been forced to do the same thing. We used to have a cat that would bite you if he thought you looked at him taking a crap.

taetay2010j 0

I talk to my animals all the time

You're not the only one who does that! I'm guilty of it too. :)