By compguy - 25/02/2010 15:39 - United States

Today, I applied and was accepted for a part-time network engineering position. Being contract work they asked me what I charge. I replied, "$12 an hour." After a look of surprise they accepted me for the position and said, "Our last guy charged $200 an hour, you're a bargain." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 623
You deserved it 34 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you be in a position like that and not know how much your competitors are charging?

what the hell do you do that $200/hour is an acceptable pay rate? I need to get into that field


Asstazztic 8

Hey I'm 2nd where's my comment :(

eat_this_buddie 5

tell them you were playing and then say you'll settle for a better price.

mrzero 0

you don't know how much is your worth??? you are lucky to have that job.

boatkicker 4

In the future, never name a price when a company asks what you charge. Instead reply asking how much they expect to pay you.

YDI for not knowing what contractors charge. By the time you pay the taxes on a 10-99 form you won't make beans.

PsychoMerk 0

shouldve said "jus kiddin!" :D that sense of humor comes free ;)

Asstazztic 8

WTF!!! Now only is my 2nd comment gone but my 11th as well o_O

$200 an hour? Damn, that's some high class hooker wages. Not that'd I know ....I can only afford the cheap ones :(

Oh yeah, FYL OP. F it bad, cause that blows.