By Anonymous - 09/09/2009 13:37 - United States

Today, I applied for a passport. I was told the first set of photos I took were unusable because my face, particularly my chin, didn't fit inside the designated area for your face in the picture. My chin did fit in the frame, my double chin however, did not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 298
You deserved it 43 676

Same thing different taste


blasticks - If YOU'RE going to scream at people using all caps, you may want to learn some basic writing skills first. Otherwise, YOU'RE not going to be taken very seriously.

Thespade_fml 0

u deserve it because it no one's fault that ur fight but ur own and stuff like this happens to fat people That being said it is still funny :D

andlifesuxagain 0

Hey Plexico, I will have you know that the US is NO LONGER the fattest country in the world... The title, as of last year is held by Australia. OP: I have no idea how they could not have fit your picture on there, they got ALL FOUR Hungry Hungry Hippos on the cover of that game...

Australia? Really? Anyway, I find the people that are the most hostile to fatties are fatties. Most of us hate ourselves for becoming fat and look with disgust at others who seem to be OK with it. Probably the most vocal group of fatty-bashers are those of us losing weight. We are now suffering and sacrificing to try to return to normal size and get rid of some of the health problems associated with obesity. I'm trying to get my good physique back, even at the risk of losing the love of screwtaylor. I can only hope she wasn't into me ONLY because of the beer belly. Or the manboobs.

Actually the US is still the fattest country in the world at 30.6% population, look up the 2009 rates. Mexico is actually pretty high up there too, with 24.2% ____________________________

StealthStorm67 0

You're looking for sympathy? I'm on two teams at my high-school, and I work out everyday. People who just stuff their faces and lay around all day, then piss and moan when they get fat.. I don't feel bad for fat people. You're fat for a reason. "It's bad genetics, I SUFFER from obesity!" No, it's a bad lifestyle, you SUFFER from Big Macs.

Sk69Dk 0

kay, way to be a dick!! did you ever think maybe it's not her fault, it might be, but it's hard enough not liking your body without people like you always being bitchy about it. and also, why involve yourself in this? no one cares how many school teams you're on buddy!!

^ Sounds like someone's taking it a bit personally. It's not like everyone expects the world to be supermodel skinny - which in some cases is just as bad, if not worse than obesity - but there is a limit, honestly. Get some exercise, don't eat your troubles away, and you're bound to be an average weight. Genetics isn't always an excuse.

StealthStorm67 0

How would it not be her fault? Is she paraplegic? And for the record, I wasn't bragging about how many teams I'm on, I was just trying to prove a point that it's not that difficult to refrain from getting fat.