By Anonymous - 09/09/2009 13:37 - United States

Today, I applied for a passport. I was told the first set of photos I took were unusable because my face, particularly my chin, didn't fit inside the designated area for your face in the picture. My chin did fit in the frame, my double chin however, did not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 298
You deserved it 43 676

Same thing different taste


Ill have you know that MOST fat people get that way over time from stress eating and binge eating and over eating due to past traumatic moments or experiences, hardships, or even simply from over induced stress from life's shit piling on more and more. OP: Chin up, literally. Take that shot like you just got into jail for being a badass or like you're a snoody bitch who looks down his/her nose at everyone. ; )

Actually, you can't take a passport picture with your nose up in the air. You have to be facing the camera straight on, head not tilted in any way. Her photos will be rejected again if she follows your advice.

Oh, pixie, it sustains me! Your unconditional love makes me feel so happy that I'd like to go get a hot-fudge sundae topped with donuts, but I have to believe that while you would accept me fat, you'd prefer if I were thinner. Just think, without the extra weight, I might be able to keep up with whatever it is pixies do! :)

ydi for being fat. unless it's physcological or a glandular condition or something.

andlifesuxagain 0

You Moron and your made up site about bs, or FORBES is even better than some dude in his basement. At least go to a repudable site to get information, a cat can accidentally post something does not make it true. The Last Study was done in 2008, Fuckstick. Even the World Health Organizations data about 2009 is not complete yet, but still does not have the US in the top. Aparently Your magic 8-ball knows something that the world doesnt hmmmm. Epic Fail! Next time go to the website of (not a real website but is) SUCK IT TREBECK!

There aren't many conditions, physical or mental, that would cause obesity t the point of a second chin so large it can't fit in a passport photo. YDI for 1) not noticing until now, or 2) noticing but not doing anything to change it. (I'm assuming that if you're doing something to change it you'd have mentioned it in the FML.

There are MANY conditions that can lead to it. Type 1 diabetes (which is autoimmune, NOT lifestyle), Prauder Willy (you never feel full and are therefore compelled to eat constantly), and for women, especially, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS for short) to name but a few. I have the last one. I have dieted and excersised since puberty but am still extremely overweight. And before anyone says "OP prolly don't got it", it is very common and affects about half of all women. OP, FYL for having a crappy photographer. I'm a photographer and know that ANYONE'S face can fit into those passport photo frames as long as the photographer knows what they are doing. Sorry for all these idiots who thrive on stereotyping others. They get to go to hell.

I'm working under the assumption that she didn't have any of these conditions since she didn't mention them. (People love to victimize themselves)

Celticwoman, you fail. After a quick serach because your two cents interested me, I came up with this on Wikipedia. The first sentence? 'Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that affects approximately 5% of all women.'

Wikipedia isn't always true. Can't anyone change the information on it?

Hmmm... And what are the stereotypes about Canada? besides saying "eh?", living in igloos, and being amazing at hockey?