By Anonymous - 18/01/2010 00:40 - United States

Today, I arrived at my apartment to find the door kicked in. Inside, I found my TV, Xbox, stereo, CDs, and laptop had all been stolen. When my roommate got home, I told him about it, to which he replied, "Yeah, I left my keys inside this morning, so I kicked the door in to get them." He left with the door kicked in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 465
You deserved it 2 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jazlyn1986 0

you should kick his face in. that's sure to make you feel...somewhat better.


pzluvbbydux 0

I hear a judge judy case! I hope to watch you.

X_Life_Sucks_X 0
MF12 0

anyone else notice the comma at the beginning and the hyphen in roommate?

I'd say that you deserve some compensation, not to mention a new roommate.

notwierdgifted 0
toxicavenger89 0

you roomate sounds like a funnny guy. one of those people who just neglect thinking.

Kill him. It's the only appropriate response in a case like that.

helka_fml 0

at least you can talk to your roommate. mine insists that I only communicate with her through notes and text messeges

The real reason you got your stuff stolen was because you own a xbox, if you owned a ps3 or even a wii this would not have happened the robber would have screamed at the beaty and powr of the ps3 and ducked and cowered at the well funosity of the wii. try looking out you window youll see your xbox in flames BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

FYL for having a retarded roommate, YDI for "were stole."