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By Anonymous - 18/01/2010 00:40 - United States

Today, I arrived at my apartment to find the door kicked in. Inside, I found my TV, Xbox, stereo, CDs, and laptop had all been stolen. When my roommate got home, I told him about it, to which he replied, "Yeah, I left my keys inside this morning, so I kicked the door in to get them." He left with the door kicked in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 467
You deserved it 2 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jazlyn1986 0

you should kick his face in. that's sure to make you feel...somewhat better.


Yeah, FYL for having such a dumbass roommate. Consider finding a new one. SOON. I don't blame you at all. Your roommate needs to learn about real life.

Man, the grammar police is out in full force today.

Charge him to replace ALL of the things stolen that you had. FYL

greendaygirl112 0

1 call him a retard 2 make him pay for all the new stuff 3 MOVE OUT

wow he sounds like a moron. why did u move in with him in the first place?