By Anonymous - 18/01/2010 00:40 - United States

Today, I arrived at my apartment to find the door kicked in. Inside, I found my TV, Xbox, stereo, CDs, and laptop had all been stolen. When my roommate got home, I told him about it, to which he replied, "Yeah, I left my keys inside this morning, so I kicked the door in to get them." He left with the door kicked in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 465
You deserved it 2 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jazlyn1986 0

you should kick his face in. that's sure to make you feel...somewhat better.


wow that sucks see if I was u I would make him pay me back for everything and if he doesn't go to plan B rip his meat off :)

dude247 0

it's impossible to kick a door down, the force breaks your heel. that why the army has metal padded boots so they van do that.

no_tengo_dinero 0

#35, It is not impossible to kick a door in. I should know, I've had to do it twice in my life, both times I was in high school. Now if you're talking "kick a door off it's hinges", I might believe you. Just just kicking a locked door open, at the OP seemed to suggest, is actually pretty easy.

mj2123 0

I'm not sure renters' insurance has a "my roommate is a ******* idiot" clause.

1. Make him pay you back for all the things that were stolen. 2. Get a new roommate that won't do that again.

Newbie21 1

Make him pay for the damages And why are people hating on the people that say 1st? If that is how they get their excitement for the day so be it

rose12353 0

ok obvioulsy the OP is big on grammer.....but anyway that rly sucks. you should make your roommate pay to replace everything

This guy needs to pay for the damages. If he balks, take him to court. I've seen stuff like this get settled in favor of the petitioner (who would be you in this case) in under five minutes. (I'm a court reporter.) In California, most courthouses have a self-help center that has resources to assist you in filing such an action. I don't know about Tennessee, but it's worth checking out. I usually tell people to hire attorneys instead of doing it themselves, but this is IMO such a slam-dunk that you might well be able to push it through on your own.

:O sell your roomate's stuff to replace your items which were stolen. sucks for you dude , BTW when your roomate kick the door open did he say C-C-C-Combo breaker?