By Anonymous - 18/01/2010 00:40 - United States

Today, I arrived at my apartment to find the door kicked in. Inside, I found my TV, Xbox, stereo, CDs, and laptop had all been stolen. When my roommate got home, I told him about it, to which he replied, "Yeah, I left my keys inside this morning, so I kicked the door in to get them." He left with the door kicked in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 465
You deserved it 2 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jazlyn1986 0

you should kick his face in. that's sure to make you feel...somewhat better.


Oh man, if that were me, I would have just punched him right there! FYL indeed!

nonnymouse 0

Yeah, he needs to replace all the stuff that got stolen.

it's impossible for your roommate to have kicked in the door - if he forgot them inside he would have not locked the door - no need to kick it in - unless you wrote the fml wrong and he kicked it in after you locked it

kmfyr 0

You're kidding, right? I don't know about your doors, but the doors commonly in use in my area can be locked from the inside and the outside. It can also be locked from the inside and then closed as one is leaving, and the door would be locked. Keys only necessary when unlocking/locking from the outside. OP's friend could have just left the keys somewhere, twisted the knob to lock it, and then shut the door.

rishaa143 0

wht an effing idiot. fyl for having such an idiotic roommate.

Jb4ever792jb 0

wow sorry to hear about ur stuff being stolen...u should make your roommate pay cuz he's a dumbass for leaving the door open like that

Report to cops. When they match the shoeprint to your roommates, reenact the family guy "Where's ma money, bitch" scene where stewie violently attacks brian.

"... and then my roommate paid me the thousands of dollars my stuff was worth plus extra for all the irreplaceable stuff on my laptop" seriously don't be a puss. demand what you deserve.

You should've kick him right in the nuts.