By Anonymous - 24/02/2011 10:34 - United States

Today, I asked my dad what his plans for Friday were. Apparently, he's going to a concert with my step-mom all evening. It's been their plan for months. Friday is my birthday. That's been set since the day I was born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 250
You deserved it 7 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see the issue. The concerts are only on specific days, if it was something they really wanted to see, Friday would be the only day they could go. Why can't his parents go to the concert and celebrate OPs birthday all day on the Saturday? If this was me in this situation I'd let them go to their concert and just suggest we go out for dinner the next day or any time that weekend to celebrate my birthday. And not bitch about it on FML. OP, get over it.


They're probably taking you, cheer up. :)

bugmenotmofo 34

They probably can't reschedule the concert. Get over it. They didn't pick for the concert to be on your birthday.

Just throw a party while they're gone?

Last year, my all time favorite band The Sweet came on my birthday. I was underage and it was at the Casino so I couldn't go. My parents went, took pictures, got Steve's autograph etc, and I was extremely thankful. But yeah, deal with it. Birthday's happen every year. If it was a band that didn't tour very often, then they should happily go.

Uilove1 7

A few weeks ago i asked my dad if he could hang out cuz we never get to see eachother and he goes... what, your mom is busy and your friends dont want to hang out.... i was just trying to get closer with my dad ): lol

maybe you should be a better kid you loser

Good god. It's a birthday. Celebrate the day after or something. Your birthday happens every friggin' year. Some concerts are once in a lifetime opportunities. I wouldn't blow off a concert I paid to see because of a birthday. Concerts last a few hours. Celebrate any other time during the day.

Exactly. I can't recall the number of times my birthday celebration had to be on a different day due to it being on a weekday, or friends and family being busy, etc. If you're going to react in a selfish, whiny way like this, maybe you shouldn't have your birthday celebrated at all. YDI