By Anonymous - 24/02/2011 10:34 - United States

Today, I asked my dad what his plans for Friday were. Apparently, he's going to a concert with my step-mom all evening. It's been their plan for months. Friday is my birthday. That's been set since the day I was born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 250
You deserved it 7 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see the issue. The concerts are only on specific days, if it was something they really wanted to see, Friday would be the only day they could go. Why can't his parents go to the concert and celebrate OPs birthday all day on the Saturday? If this was me in this situation I'd let them go to their concert and just suggest we go out for dinner the next day or any time that weekend to celebrate my birthday. And not bitch about it on FML. OP, get over it.


franwins0827 7

Don't you have friends you can celebrate with?

it happens every year, maybe this was a concert they couldn't ever experience again. it's pretty sad that you aren't taking advantage of the fact that your birthdays on a Friday and partying, instead sulking that your parents won't hang out with you..

nixom1334 6

Well you have one evry year don't you, god people are so selfish

Teenaaluv 0

the only reson my family remebers my bday is bc i hav a twin! so u wanna say ur lif sux

CommonSenseKarma 17

Some people should obviously not be parents. Michael Jackson, for instance. Be glad you're not suckin' his dick like he'd probably make those kids do if he was alive.

fmluser57 0

for the love of god, it's your birthday. get over it, you are not the most important thing in the world. they wanna have fun, there are other days to make them spend money on you. get over yourself.

UnderTheMoon 0