By baebookboo - 04/08/2014 15:08 - United States - Lawrence

Today, I asked my mom about signing up for an online dating site. She took one look at me and said, "Why get rejected online when you can just go outside for the same?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 208
You deserved it 4 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

:( That's harsh, especially since it's your mom.


Depends whether OP is a male or female. Females usually don't get any trouble finding somebody on a dating website,males on the other hand, have to work hard finding someone in that kind of sites.

Yep! I have met some girls online and they have had the same opinion, except that they have to weed out the ones they are not interested, which takes effort and time.

men have trouble finding women in general for anything.

Save yourself the money. Shit doesn't work anyway.

A lot of online dating sites are free, and for some people they do 'work'.

cryssycakesx3 22

you couldn't be any more wrong, 12.

RenoTheRhino 30

That should make you want to get a date to prove her wrong.

There's two kinds of people, the ones that would give up because they let it get to them, and then there's those that have determination and want to prove it wrong, and those Op, are the successful ones. So OP prove her different!

I'm sure you will find mr right. Nothing wrong with having a dating life.

somthingstupd 9

Online I have actually found more effective but it sometimes is hard to plan dates...just give it a shot it doesn't hurt

Constructing a perfect FML comment: 1.) I'm sorry, OP. / That really sucks. 2.) They had no right. / They are a [bitch/douche]. 3.) Keep your chin up. / Things will get better. Watch as your comment rakes in the likes!

rocker_chick23 27

What else is there to say? OP's mom is a bitch and OP should keep their chin up.

You ought to write a guide to commenting on FML.

Millions of fish in the sea, brother; just because 99% may not want you doesn't rule out the 1% that do.

maybe your mum's got a few online accounts and she's just worried you'll somehow come across her profile