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By dab1230 - 07/02/2013 00:26 - United States - Binghamton

Today, I asked my mother if I could have my boyfriend sleep over for Valentine's day weekend. Her response? "If you're on your period he can. Unless he's into that. Then no." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 775
You deserved it 42 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have to ask your mom to have your boyfriend over, you're probably too young to be ******* anyways. Oh wait, this is 2013, ten year olds are getting knocked up now. Go at it!

pheebs314 17

I wouldn't want to have sex with a menstrual cup in... That sounds like a good way to end up explaining to a doctor why you have a menstrual cup lodged in your cervix.


As a parent my answer would have been an unconditional No.

if you have to ask permission you're probably to young to have sex. you could however go to his place unless he lives with his mom too. and she sont let him have a play date

You actually thought your mom would let your boyfriend sleep over?

Nanael_fml 4

So in other words you asked your mom permission to sleep with your bf and in her own way say no you couldn't

Gfm1210 0

Like the person said before me. If you're to young to ask then no. Dumb female.

The real question. Is he man enough to go down on you. That's when you earn your red wings.

Thatguy334 7

You asking your mom for your boyfriend to sleep over, probably not the smartest thing you ever did

I like your Mom-that's an awesome response! Now, you're an asshat for even asking!

Special_Psycho 8

OK, on one hand it's awesome she said no, on the other it's kinda mean. Awesome because she's looking out for you. Mean because it's the day of L♥VE and two people who care deeply for each other should be together that day. Maybe you can cut a deal with her, like you both sleep in separate rooms.

Her house, her rules... if you want to get busy with your man, you'll have to go somewhere else. I agree with #151... a deal sounds like a good idea. Try it, she's already said no, what's the worst she can say this time? Hell no? At least you tried.