By Anonymous - 11/09/2010 23:15 - United States

Today, I asked my mother if we were eating supper soon so I could take a nap. She said "no" so I went into my room and fell asleep. When I woke up, everybody was gone. My entire family of 6 went to Olive Garden while I was sleeping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 806
You deserved it 4 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's mean hope u made an awesome dinner for yourself

kellanlvr 1

aww I hate when my family does that :/


well since i was warned that i cant say anything negative about the FMLs ill guess ill say the opposite. this is an awsome FML it totally deserves to be on this site because it totally does not happen to most everyone!!

ohthebloodygore 16

If you aren't pleased with the FML's, stop commenting and go moderate.

if you are not pleased with comments, stop commenting :)

ohthebloodygore what makes you think you can tell people what to say?

ohthebloodygore, I never said I wasn't pleased with the FML or anything. O_o

brian, she was probably responding to another comment below yours that got eaten or deleted. When that happens, the replies attach to the next one up.


greaaaat now they're gonna have to hear you cry about it and pick you up a happy meal on the way home.

Y_U_19029 0

aha I saw that pic on the funny pics app. oh wow that sucks op I woulda made my own better dinner

drizzt6895 0

Wow I would make them all drive back and bring me double what they ate for being so messed up.

Eat SpaghettiO's. Their catch phrase is better anyway.

Ahaha. My friend loves that song. xD Bah. Anti-Flood. Curse ye. >:-[

haileybyrd 4

I'm sorry :/ I hope they at least brought you something back.

You now have the house to yourself. Invite that special someone and do, "Bad Things" with them...

TashaLenaKitty 0

You have a pretty shitty family to be honest

i doubt one person moderating is going to make any difference once so ever