By (._. ) - 06/08/2013 20:35 - United States - Alburnett

Today, I asked out the man of my dreams. He told me he'd have to ask his dad if it was OK. I thought he was just kidding, until he pulled out his phone and called his dad. After a few minutes of "Come on, Dad" and "But why?" he hung up and said his dad wouldn't let him. He's 22. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 767
You deserved it 5 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ShinedownLuv 14

Yeah, I think he was B.Sing you


Well if his dad is able to control him so much now, imagine what would have happened as you went further in your relationship.

Cindy_Smiles 12

keep in mind.. this could avoid future embarrassment.

Poor little boy. His hopes and dreams were dashed.

I think he was being a dick...he could've just politely declined like a normal person

mayley 16

Don't worry, sounds like you dodged a bullet with him

If he really is the guy of your dreams ( still ) - call his dad and explain you would like to take his son out. Don't give up do easily. Son will break free eventually ..

Ha, that's sounds like one of my workmates. He did ask his mother which meal should he order in KFC.