By (._. ) - 06/08/2013 20:35 - United States - Alburnett

Today, I asked out the man of my dreams. He told me he'd have to ask his dad if it was OK. I thought he was just kidding, until he pulled out his phone and called his dad. After a few minutes of "Come on, Dad" and "But why?" he hung up and said his dad wouldn't let him. He's 22. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 767
You deserved it 5 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ShinedownLuv 14

Yeah, I think he was B.Sing you


ouch. sounds like he was just trying to let down without being to mean

No offense but it seems like a blessing in disguise. It sounds like if you want to date this "dream man" you also have to date his father.

he didn't really want to go out with you......

teach him to rebel. that's what I did.. and I barely turned 18

Next time ask him if he wants to have a play date instead.

I'd hate to burst your bubble but it sounds like he was faking that phone call. Be glad it didn't work out.

whitebear_fml 4

Faking or not, you dodged a bullet there.