By (._. ) - 06/08/2013 20:35 - United States - Alburnett

Today, I asked out the man of my dreams. He told me he'd have to ask his dad if it was OK. I thought he was just kidding, until he pulled out his phone and called his dad. After a few minutes of "Come on, Dad" and "But why?" he hung up and said his dad wouldn't let him. He's 22. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 767
You deserved it 5 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ShinedownLuv 14

Yeah, I think he was B.Sing you


Sorry sweetie but that probably wasn't his dad

bad choice of words, unless the man of your dreams is a 22 year old child.

Emma Marshall 19

He's just not that into you