By HaleyDrew08 - 26/06/2010 03:17 - United States

By HaleyDrew08 - 26/06/2010 03:17 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/03/2015 04:26 - United States
By helpme - 15/07/2013 17:25 - Canada - Sudbury
By Anonymous - 31/12/2013 19:36 - United Kingdom - Aylesbury
By Anonymous - 10/10/2019 16:00
By Anonymous - 26/05/2024 22:00 - Australia
By Anonymous - 18/04/2012 19:18 - United Kingdom - Eynsham
By Anonymous - 25/02/2013 17:57 - Canada - Fernie
By Anonymous - 28/05/2023 22:00 - Germany - Buchholz in der Nordheide
By Taylor - 15/07/2012 14:42 - United States - Eastchester
By Pattie - 12/06/2015 06:50 - United States - San Francisco
More like "Fail!" That seems like the kind of thing you should get done professionally the first time around. You could take mental notes on what to do and then handle the maintenance at home.
Once again ImaginaryFoe speaks the truth. (However we don't know if she didn't do this, as she just says its the first time she tried it herself) However waxing can hurt anyway, are you sure you're not just particularly sensitive, OP?
Autch, that hurts just thinking about it. OP, if you're not sure how to do it...don't. You could also, before trying something new, look up online how.
that is an epic fail!!!!
why would you ever do a bikini wax yourself the 1st time ?! get it done right and see how it's done , then maybe you could do it yourself after that ? you soooo diserve it
I agree with 5 . If it's your first time dont do it at home .
you suck
A for effort. I hate a hairy girl.
lol Kourtney and Khloé Kardashian
this sounds a lot like what happend in Khloe and Kourtney Take Miami when Kourtney burned Khloe giving her a home wax.
Hey OP I have something I can put between your legs that will feel much better.
way to go
47- Sometimes it's not a matter of being cheap, so much as some girls might not be comfortable with a stranger down there. 78- Shaving that area is horrible. I worked for a GYN who insisted no girl should shave down there. Waxing is the way to go, just not so much on yourself.
Uh YDI!! Why would you attempt something like that?! You always do a SMALL test area, then say eff it and go to a professional who knows WTF is up
#94 What were her reasons for shaving down there being bad? I'm pretty curious, since that's what I do. Waxing didn't work out well for me since I did it myself. I didn't have enough money to get it done professionally...
hah. now your on the rag :}
Like imaginary foe said, ALWAYS get it done by a professional first. If your embarassed to show your vag to someone who works with them all day, then shave. I've been shaving there for 5 years or more now. Ive had a brazillian and the combination of the pain and having to grow it out made me opt for shaving. Actually growing it out was the biggest problem for me. I prefer not to spend half my time looking like a Yeti. Yes shaving might grow back faster, but it doesn't make me scream and I can do it whenever I like.
"Juro" sounds awefully like "Pedo" to me <.<
99, are you the OP? :)
97, thank you =]
#115 Heck no. #126 Nope, I'm not the OP. :P
shave next time?
why would you try that by yourself? no expert on the subject... just saying YDI.
Ahhhhh! Kelly Clarkson!! Haha, better than looking like an 80's era Demi Moore I suppose!
Kelly Clarkson? O.o What does she have to do with bikini waxing?
Ew Ive seen those pictures of Demi au natural and it was disgusting. I'm all for leaving it whatever way you prefer but when it goes halfway down your thigh and up to your bellybutton that shit is sick.
his hair???
I think that's why most people go to a professional, or at least enlist the help of a close friend... Sucks to be you, but you kinda deserved it. Sorry :-(
ok one: unless you are a pro or have actually bikini waxed before like in a course. NEVER EVER do it yourself. two: there us such a thing as hot wax and strip wax, and depending on what you are using you have to apply the wax a certain way and pull a certain way. three: If you are a girl, waxing in that area is more painful when you are or close to having, your period. fourthly: you have to taught (pull your skin tight) your skin so it is less painful. the softer or flexiable the skin the more chances it will hurt and brusies will form.
did you take tips from Kourtney Kardashian? never re heat the wax....