By marcranger - 11/08/2014 23:40 - United States - Denver

Today, I attended a family gathering. My cousin's new baby was being passed around. By way of politely declining to hold it, I meant to say that I looked forward to getting to know it better once it could talk. What I blurted out instead was, "I can't wait until it resembles a human being." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 302
You deserved it 16 467

marcranger tells us more.

Hey all, OP here! Glad to see I made some of you laugh...I wish I could say the same about my cousin, his wife, and my aunt and uncle (the proud first-time grandparents)! At least my dad, who I was staying with for this event (I live up in the mountains, but this was in Denver), laughed his ass off when everyone else was out of earshot and said he honestly felt the same way (and since I was a baby once...thanks, Dad?). Oh, well. At the very least, I think the new parents will avoid me like the plague at future gatherings, even ones specifically planned to honor the new addition (oops), and this might get my relatives to back off about when exactly I'm making my own contribution to the family line.

Top comments

Shouldn't be passing a baby around at a party anyway, it's not a joint

Well you won't be holding that baby for a while.


Hey all, OP here! Glad to see I made some of you laugh...I wish I could say the same about my cousin, his wife, and my aunt and uncle (the proud first-time grandparents)! At least my dad, who I was staying with for this event (I live up in the mountains, but this was in Denver), laughed his ass off when everyone else was out of earshot and said he honestly felt the same way (and since I was a baby once...thanks, Dad?). Oh, well. At the very least, I think the new parents will avoid me like the plague at future gatherings, even ones specifically planned to honor the new addition (oops), and this might get my relatives to back off about when exactly I'm making my own contribution to the family line.

As a mother of two... I hate holding babies that aren't my own. People just think anyone who doesn't love babies is a horrible person. I much prefer them toddler age and above. Don't worry about it, OP.

Shouldn't be passing a baby around at a party anyway, it's not a joint

I am terrified of children. I remember how at a family gathering my relatives wanted me to help watch the little kids, so I confessed of my pedophobia. They just shrugged and had my sister watch the kids.

How can you be scared of kids if you were once one? Were you scared of yourself back then?

I... don't think that's quite how it works, #87.

acerredrum 23

#87, when I was young I use to catch spiders and have them fight to the death. Now I am absolutely terrified of them. (I'm half convinced it is revenge.) You aren't born afraid of much, you learn them.

I'm pretty scared of kids myself, and those (parents) who find out have all decided to "cure" me of it my dumping their offspring on me every time they get the chance and go "run errands". They then have the balls to get pissed when I give them their babies as soon as they get back and run off without saying a word. They don't seem to understand that it causes me an incredible amount of stress and anxiety, and I'm always being told things like "You'll get over it when you have your own" and "You just need to take care of a few and you'll be fine". It really sucks.

Kyle1dc 17

#102 You were an awesome kid, I hopefully assume that the winner got a nice big boot as a trophy?

I told my therapist I psychologically cannot stand children. Most if it has to do with children who lack discipline simply because their parents disregard it as "kids will be kids" and "kids say the darndest things" bullshit. I get I was a child once myself but... believe me, there are things I did in my childhood that I regret big time.

68 - You shouldn't be passing those around, either.

I'd rather pass around a joint than a baby.

Thanks everyone! 68, if have happily accepted the joint! It's legal here anyway, and as you can probably tell, parties make me nervous anyway! 87, I didn't like kids even when I was one, and liking back on it, I could see why people wouldn't have liked me, either. 102, you win everything. My mom used to try and get me to catch spiders. I refused. See what I said about being a worthless child?

In my opinion it's not as much a problem with being afraid of the potato as it is with the being responsible for the potato. That's what I have found at least. My husband won't go anywhere near a kid till they are toddlers. He's nervous and insecure around them and it puts so much stress and pressure on him. Potatoes can sense that too and then it just turns into a screaming potato, which makes him even more uncomfortable. I hate it when people try to force their kids on him, or the ones that say that he just needs practice. It has nothing to do with practice, he doesn't want to feel responsible for their kid, and he shouldn't have to. It usually works out for us though as I'm the complete opposite, I love potatoes in all shapes and form, even when they are ugly and full of wrinkles :) don't worry about it OP, as you said, now they won't push you to do something you don't want to do.

potatoes, you have changed my life forever.

If I ever see a screaming potato I'm running.

To be honest, this is exactly how I'd react: "Uhhh, no. I'm not gonna touch that ******* thing, get it away from me." I don't think you deserved anything or that your life sucks... :-)

Ricrad 11

You shouldn't feel bad, I personally think all newborn babies look like sentient potatoes.

RedPillSucks 31

Some babies grow into adulthood and still can't speak coherently.

skyeyez9 24

Newborn babies aren't ugly. They are awesome little creatures that started from 2 cells in their momma's womb and now a fully complete, tiny human being. A newborn's skin is perfectly smooth and nothing like an old person's skin. If you have ever had a baby or held one, lightly brush your fingers against their cheek, its smooth as satin.

They look like a chewed up & spit out piece of gum.

rocker_chick23 27

You're not a parent are you? Newborns are ugly little potato creatures that look like they have been in liquid way too long. My son didn't look like a human until he was about a month old.

Kyle1dc 17

#108 Lost it at ugly potato creatures, people are looking at me funny.

rocker_chick23 27

xD They do look like a cross between a potato and a raisin when born

HammyBear13 8

#122, that sounds like a couple of Pokemon! xD

That's because they HAVE been in liquid for 9 months. Amniotic fluid to be exact.

I'm a parent. Honestly, my son looked like a human when he was born. lol He didn't stay purple or shriveled like everybody says theirs did. No potato resemblance at all...y'all are weird...

Actually, babies' skin grosses me out, too. It just looks so...watery.

#145 Well since we're judging people apparently... you're*

My bad, I am absolutely terrible with grammar.

Haha I would have probably said something along the same lines. I'll have to keep note of that one next time one of those things is shoved in my face.

Hilarious! Just hold the damn baby. You won't hurt it.

If OP is anything like me, he didn't decline because he was afraid to hurt the baby, he declined because he just didn't want to hold the baby. I don't think babies are cute/adorable/whatever makes people think everyone else would love to hold their kid.

OP you are a legend!! I hate kids until they are big enough to talk and actually show some form of personality! Who wants a crying puking potato??

Why was op referring to the baby as "it" ? Surely as the baby was being passed around you must have known what sex the baby was! Kind of makes him/her sound like a possession rather than a human.

Well you 'kinda cared' enough to put a shitty comment, Jesus all I did was point something out. Maybe it's nap time for all you miserable people tonight!

Yeah, and he pointed something out to you. We. Don't. Care.

You could've just said "No thank you." You don't have to act like an old man and say you don't wanna be around "IT" until it can talk. What an asshole.

That sounds like something I would say... consciously.