By crushedsoul - 05/11/2015 21:34 - United States - Baltimore

Today, I attended my school's special invitation-only awards ceremony, relieved that I was getting a much-needed scholarship. I watched all my friends go up and win scholarships. In the end, I only got a certificate for doing well on the PSAT. My whole family showed up for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 987
You deserved it 1 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess your family members PSAT through it for nothing.

amileah13 26

Geez. Thy could have warned you what award you were getting beforehand! But hey, I hope your parents were proud of you though. You did accomplish something that some people (like me) have a hard time trying to pass.


Arizona State offers full rides to National Merit Scholarship Finalists, and if believe others do as well...I just happen to know that was the school in my region that heavily recruited finalists. That award may not have been in vain, OP!

start illegally publishing poems in El Nacional about tilapia farms

Gotta be careful though or the dictator will kill her family with a Texas longhorn dinosaur that has a bigger horn than a triceratops.

The fact that you did well on the PSAT tests is definitely a worthy accomplishment, especially since most of us couldn't even complete the math sections in the given time.

Were you told that you were receiving a scholarship? Or did you just assume you were? If it's the former, you should definitely consult someone about that. If it's the latter, you know what happens when you assume things, right? You make an ASS out of U and ME. It sucks, but you shouldn't have told everyone you were getting a scholarship if you didn't know.

You got an award. Stop complaining you clearly didn't do enough for a scholarship.

that is the same EXACT thing that happened to me