By fuckmyassimcold - 14/12/2012 19:19 - United States

Today, I avoided having to wash the dishes by faking a cold. My sucker of a wife believed me and hopped off my balls about it. Later on, after I made a miraculous recovery, she told me to take out the trash. It's freezing outside and raining, and I feel a very real cold coming on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 977
You deserved it 79 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve it just for saying "my sucker of a wife."

feldco1 17

Serves you right; you sound like a dick.


catkat1988 17

You totally deserve what you got, and more. Seriously. You sound like a spoiled 13-year-old. You seriously expect your "sucker of a wife" to do all the house chores while you are slumbering comfortably on the couch? And FYI, you get a cold from a viral infection, not from being exposed to rain for two minutes - unless you have a serious immune deficiency. Being very cold, very sleep deprived or very stressed out can lower your immune defence, but it takes WAY more than a bit of rain for the duration of taking out the trash.

SweetLuna 10

Should of stuck with doing the dishes. Haha.

You're an asshole.. I would never let anyone treat me like that, and neither should she!

god you sound like such an asshole. ydi

Your sucker of a wife? You sound like a complete asshole. ydi

Wow. You sound like such an ass. I feel sorry for your wife being married to you. ydi