By fuckmyassimcold - 14/12/2012 19:19 - United States

Today, I avoided having to wash the dishes by faking a cold. My sucker of a wife believed me and hopped off my balls about it. Later on, after I made a miraculous recovery, she told me to take out the trash. It's freezing outside and raining, and I feel a very real cold coming on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 977
You deserved it 79 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve it just for saying "my sucker of a wife."

feldco1 17

Serves you right; you sound like a dick.


numbas2 5

She would have to be a sucker to stand being with an asshole like you

Flora_fml 6

I think others have already adequately addressed the obvious criticisms, but seriously, you're bitching about walking a few feet outside in winter? You ain't sugar, you're not sweet, and you're not going to melt. Grow a pair and suck it up. Are you worried your metrosexual hairstyle is going to be ruined or something?

You sound like SUCH an asshole. Why would you post this when it's glaringly obvious that you deserved it?

Stop being such a ******* pussy and just DO the dishes.

Dude.. Go kill your self .. You are a lousy piece of shit ...

anitadoody 7

Are you always such a lazy pussy?

Get some balls you prick and have some respect for your wife

freizz 1