By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 18:19 - United States

Today, I backed my car into a parked car in a parking lot. Not only did I back into a parked car, but it was the ONLY parked car there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 223
You deserved it 72 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dukedj 0

That sucks, maybe you shouldn't have been such an idiot though...


jdb2009 0

You better have left a note on the other car giving your number. Man, that pisses me off to no end, coming back to my car with a new ding in it.

AntiChrist7 0

that's why they should implant an iQ test along with the driver test

imhawaiian 0

How many women race car drivers are there? SCCA (not nascar or F1) ...None but sex doesn't matter its skill, but what women do in the car Ex: put on make up and such, makes them worse drivers.

next time have your boyfriend drive you.

Unless this parking lot had exactly two parking spaces, you my friend are a dumbass.

kanenclue 0

did this happen in columbus? i might have witnessed it....

jackmo0616 0

you're definitely helping the case of why women shouldn't be allowed to drive.

fastnfuriousrox 0

yeah someone did that to my brother a few months ago...

LOL I did that once before! That's awful.