By yup - 05/06/2011 07:23 - United States

Today, I thought it would be hot if I sent my boyfriend kinky message. He didn't reply so I sent a few more. 10 minutes later I got a reply saying, "Honey, this is his mom and you should be a little less desperate." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 203
You deserved it 57 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that kinda sucks... but ydi. you should've stopped after one.


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SteelCladAngel 0

might not have been a text she may have been using yahoo/aim/fb chat

sourgirl101 28

21, if it's not your thing that's fine but some don't mind a few..... "can't wait 'til I see you" comments.

Firstly, I do talk dirty to my significant other I just don't completely go insane like the OP and keep texting multiple times. My fiancé would even think that was creepy. If he didn't reply the first time I'd wait until he texted back.

sourgirl101 28

Oh okay. I didn't realize whom you were directing your comment to.(: I first thought "you" were saying it's creepy. Good to know.

kewlkate 9

Don't be a jerk. He was stating his opinion just like the rest of us. Back off.

the mom shoulve said that after the first text

lonewolf6613 4

Sorry 47! This was definitely not what I commented on. I replied on a different 'thread' and now the commenter is 46 which was a reply to 3. Odd. This app is buggy sometimes. I actually fully agree with 47.

cherrypieguy 0 is better than this

heathersmorin 0

Then go play there and get off this.

you should have replied with "what should I send instead without sounds desperate."

Randuhh_17 4

not desperate, when she already has him...

You guys have nothing better to do than to insult someone on fml? Sad existence if you ask me.

mcxhunni 0

149- its over. try to leave with dignity intact


you just did the same thing and insulted everyone else on fml...

johnson94 5

she must have been really creative to be able to randomly send 10 dirty messages with no reply

it says ten minutes later, not messages.

sourgirl101 28

Sent a few more. It was 10 minutes later the mom replied.(:

I'll just give you a thumbs up bot for your comment but just for your name.

I first read this as "my mom" instead of "his mom

noelykins1 19
mootoo31 6

it was probably her boyfriend trying to make her stop.

that kinda sucks... but ydi. you should've stopped after one.

I said the same thing, when I saw your face.

daysgoby902 6

It was something like "that's what I done when I saw your picture." Rather unnecessarily harsh.

yeah that's pretty mean. according to her age, shes in 7th or 8th grade.

she shouldnt be so young on this site. it might scar her

um, if you cant put a pic up yourself, you don't have a right to comment on someone elses....

owhh yya totezz and why would his mom have his phone?

snickers001 0
snickers001 0
noeyolivia 0

wow your some cute stuff;)

I did enjoy how none of them grasped the whole "your vs you're" concept. : o

imcutefml 0

Haha yeah, if there's no reply after one text, sending several more won't help.

ChristyCarnegie 0
tylersign 11

"Dun't" bother to spell simple words correctly.

runninbrotha 0

and some people just dunt give a flying **** about what u know or what is correct...

1naenae95 5

or it could have been a typo. -.-

a_nutritionist 10

@55 see now this is why education is important, because i have no idea what the hell your point is. actually to be fair, i cant understand what the message says in any capacity...something about antibiotics and not needing education... if i were to guess id say you think antibiotics were an accident it negates the need for education in some way...but honestly, no clue here.

atomicbaboon 0

I really hope you're joking 137. *cough* he's using sarcasm *cough*

So this basically means you're calling fake? Oh Sirin, we request your assistance!

daysgoby902 6

Actually, I'd have to say YDI. I think the kink can wait until next time you see each other/next time you're alone with each other, it'd be safer after all.

Yes, because no one has jobs, school, after school activities, and other responsibilities to attend to... O.o dude, there is nothing wrong with sending messages like that to your bf or gf if it's understood that you both are enjoy them

"both are enjoy them"? Okay. Them being BF and GF and all, it's not like they're NEVER going to see each other, even with after school activities.

*are enjoying I like how you point out an obvious typing mistake to try to strengthen your argument more and not the point dude... the point is if a bf and gf want to echange a few cute/kinky messages when they can't be with each other wtf is wrong with that? I bet the majority of the people on this site do that from time to time...

why would they deserve that? they didn't know the mom had his phone. besides kinky msgs are fun :P maybe you'll find this out one day maybe not ...

Whoa, calm down. It's just that sounded strange to me. I'm just saying it from my point of view, that's what comments are for after all. I'm not the kind of person to send a kinky message to someone without starting a conversation and making sure they're alone and it's really them. I'm just cautious like that. I don't mean to sound like a douche, so sorry if I do.

No problem man... difficult to tell over the internet after. I apologize for getting so defensive

his mom or ur mom either way it's still creepy